Fireplace Blog

Useful Tips for the Efficient Use of Firewood
18/04/2024 09:24:01 AM
In the following blog, we will reveal what to pay attention to when selecting firewood.

Tamás Märcz has also chosen Technical Fireplace
08/09/2023 11:19:15 AM
In the following blog, we will reveal which type of fireplace Tamás Märcz has chosen and the reasons for his choice.

Erdei Zsolt became the Ambassador of Technical Fireplace
30/08/2022 12:20:32 PM
The article reveals why he became our ambassador and what the
advantages of wood-burning and electric fireplaces are.
advantages of wood-burning and electric fireplaces are.

Can a fireplace be an investment? Let's examine it!
17/08/2022 01:00:42 PM
Different factors determine how much value a fireplace adds to a home. We have looked into this.

Modern fireplace surrounds
31/05/2022 01:03:09 PM
Modern style is one of the most popular trends these days, which is why modern fireplace surrounds are so popular.

We visited the Construma construction exhibition
18/05/2022 12:36:57 PM
It was a great pleasure for us to participate in the 40th edition of the
Construma international construction exhibition this year.
Construma international construction exhibition this year.

Introducing the magnificent IMPULSE electric fireplace
18/02/2022 10:37:50 AM
When we first lay our eyes on the IMPULSE 93 electric fireplace, the first
thing that comes to mind is premium quality.
thing that comes to mind is premium quality.

Technical kandalló bemutató cikk a Gerendaházak magazinban
17/12/2021 01:57:12 PM
Olvasd el online a rólunk megjelent cikk bővített verzióját, amelyben bemutatjuk részletesen a cégünket.

Kandalló építés - a tervezéstől a beépítésig
29/11/2021 11:35:23 AM
Ismerje meg, hogyan zajlik pontosan egy kandalló építés.

A PanTech modern kandallóbetétekről
12/11/2021 02:10:03 PM
Ismerje meg a saját gyártású PanTech kandallóbetéteinket.