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Tamás Märcz has also chosen Technical Fireplace

Tamás Märcz has also chosen Technical Fireplace
In the following blog, we will reveal which type of fireplace Tamás Märcz has chosen and the reasons for his choice.

Another significant recognition for the dedicated and enthusiastic team of Technical Kandalló. After the professional boxer Zsolt Erdei, now the Olympic water polo champion Tamás Märcz has also placed his trust in the expertise of Technical Kandalló. In the following brief interview, we will reveal which type of fireplace Tamás Märcz has chosen, how the installation process went, and the reasons for his choice.

During the more than 30 years that Technical Fireplace has been active, we have installed fireplaces in the homes of several Hungarian celebrities. Recently, our readers had the opportunity to get to know the story of Zsolt Erdei, alias Bird. Now, we want to share the story of another successful Hungarian athlete, water polo player Tamás Märcz, with our audience who appreciates the warmth in their homes.

But first, the question: Why are we so proud of Tamás Märcz?

Tamás Märcz was born on July 17, 1974, in Budapest. His water polo career began in 1992 with KSI, with whom he won the Junior European Championship in the same year and secured a bronze medal at the Junior World Championship. He then moved to BVSC, where his talent quickly flourished, and together they won the World Championship. Later, his path took him to Italy, including RN Savona, but of course, he also achieved outstanding results for the Hungarian national team.

Tamás Märcz's hard work paid off, including two European Championship titles, one silver and one bronze medal, a silver medal at the World Championship, and the gold medal at the 2000 Sydney Olympics, an Olympic title. After his active career as an athlete, he had the honor of serving as the captain of the Hungarian water polo national team from 2017 to 2022. In this role, he played a significant role in the national team's success, including winning the 2020 European Championship gold medal and the 2021 Olympic bronze medal.

The pursuit of excellence has always been a hallmark of his career

Of course, alongside his successful sports and professional career, the care for his family plays a crucial role in the life of Tamás Märcz. Home provides the setting for family moments, where one can comfortably enjoy the autumn and winter, with a glass of mulled wine or a round of board games. Especially the living room, with the gentle crackling of the fire and the enchantment of flickering flames, offers a special atmosphere.

Although there are numerous types of fireplaces available today, Tamás Märcz has chosen a wood-burning fireplace that can be used as a supplement to the existing heating system or independently. But why?

"I was looking for a safe yet efficient alternative to our existing heating system and wanted our living room to exude a cozy atmosphere with pleasant warmth. I believe that a wood- burning fireplace can perfectly convey that feeling of 'home warmth' To complete the family 
idyll, it was important for me to find a wood-burning fireplace that not only complements the design but can also be used safely by the entire family and offers an alternative to our current heating system. That's one of the main reasons why I chose the Pantech fireplace."

"The Pantech fireplace is a closed system that is completely safe and, therefore, could be placed in our living room. Furthermore, we opted for a relatively powerful fireplace that heats the entire living room and gives us the flexibility to use it as the sole heating source when we desire."

A few words about Pantech fireplace inserts

Pantech fireplace inserts are our own fireplace solutions that combine the benefits of a traditional wood-burning fireplace with state-of-the-art technology. This allows you to enjoy the crackling of burning wood and the scent of logs in a contemporary and elegant design.

To meet the diverse needs of our customers, we have developed three different fireplace families that mainly differ in size, design, and, of course, performance. For example, the Pantech B-Series belongs to the category of fireplaces with winged doors and offers low to medium heating power compared to other models.

On the other hand, the Pantech Joy features a folding door, is medium-sized, and can meet higher heating requirements thanks to its innovative heating technology.

Another outstanding member of our fireplace family is the Pantech Evo, which offers extremely high performance and is available in various sizes, even up to 2 meters. For premium solutions, the firebox range is also available with lift-up and lift-down options, including folding and lifting doors.

Why Choose Technical Fireplace?

When buying and installing a fireplace, it is crucial not only to find the perfect fireplace for your home and your family's needs but also to ensure that the installation is done professionally and with the highest focus on safety.

"I have researched various companies and ultimately chose Technical Fireplace. On one hand, it is a 100% Hungarian company where both sales and manufacturing take place in Hungary. They have an impressive track record, as not many companies reach a 30-year anniversary, let alone more. Additionally, I read numerous reviews, and there were many positive feedback about them."

This recognition is certainly reinforced by our commitment to answer all questions regarding fireplaces as comprehensively as possible. Especially when we showcase the fireplaces in our elegant showroom live, we can address any concerns immediately and suggest additional aspects to consider when choosing a fireplace that our customers may not have thought of. 
Therefore, we recommend everyone to visit our showroom, where you can experience the fireplaces not just on paper but in a vibrant, real environment.

"I initially discovered the showroom on the internet, but the personal visit was an entirely different experience. On one hand, there is an impressive variety of things you can see in person. The salespeople were extremely friendly. A personal relationship developed from our first meeting, and I returned multiple times to find the best solution together. They were undoubtedly the best partners to ensure my requirements were met, and they also provided valuable advice due to their extensive experience in this field"

Installation of the fireplace by an experienced expert team

For many people, it's not the maintenance and care of the fireplace that deters them from making a purchase but rather the installation process. Whether it's due to past negative experiences or misconceptions about the duration and cost of installation. Fortunately, that doesn't have to be the case, at least not with Technical Fireplace! For example, Tamás Märcz had a completely different experience.

"What I liked from the beginning was scheduling an appointment that suited me. The technicians arrived extremely punctually on the agreed-upon morning, and when they arrived, the chimney was already installed according to my wishes. I can say that everything went smoothly and without any issues. They worked very carefully and cleanly. Within just 1-2 days, the fireplace was ready for use in our living room. We were thrilled with the speed because I had long desired to have a wood-burning fireplace as one of our heating alternatives in our house. Not only because it is an extremely efficient wood-burning system but also because it radiates cozy warmth. It gives our living room a pleasant atmosphere, and not only do I love it, but the children also enjoy sitting near it. It has something magical about it that brings a calm and soothing ambiance to our living room and, essentially, our entire apartment."

Which fireplace can we recommend for you and your family?

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